
Chocolate Banana Sorbet experiment

Ok, so I am determined to make a good lotta fruit ice cream-sorbet-gelato. Many say that you can make ice cream sans ice cream maker... So I gave it a shot. 

Choco Banana Sorbet

Dissolve 2/3 cup sugar, two dashes of cinnamon, a pinch of kosher salt and 4.5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa in 2 cups water over low heat. Stir often with a whisk. When dissolved, take off heat.
Place 2 tbsps slivered almonds, 2 over-ripe bananas and the chocolate mixture. Blend in a food processor or blender. Cool. Freeze according to the ice cream maker's directions. 

To freeze sans ice cream maker, place the mixture in a wide, shallow freezer safe dish. Chill for an hour. Scrape the frozen bits with a fork. Freeze for another 1/2 hour, scrape. Keep doing this until it resembles ice cream 

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