
Oh, One of THOSE Moms

"So, can you tell me what her daily schedule might be?" I ask the
daycare provider. Yes, that would be the doggie daycare Dumpling now attends.

I love, love, love doggie daycare. It is a lifesaver - at least I can now get my own water and pee when I want to at the office. This also means a drastic schedule change. Basically, instead of rolling into the office at 9ish, we're at daycare at 7.30 and I'm at the office 15
minutes later. It was a shock to all. Someone will probably ask if
I've left my car overnight at the office.

And then there are the gifts. Toys, treats, more toys, more treats.
The people at the pet shop know me. By name.

But three days in, I found myself asking what exactly the activities
and such might be. She is, afterall, my dad's dog. But it does
foreshadow a bit of me as a mother. Hmmmm.

Sent from my iPhone

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