
My Dog Has a Maid; Rather, a Nanny

Oh yes, be careful what you wish for because it can – and often does come true. Dumpling has moved back home, complete with toys, extra treat and, yes, a nanny. She went back completely potty trained and fully able to shake hands on command. She slept through the night and was able to hang out with people pretty much anywhere. She loved classical music, watched tennis and golf, you know, the usual stuff dogs do. But she never really could be left alone, and she still loved to wake up at the crack of dawn to go for a walkie...

The thing is, I kind of miss her. A lot. As much as I love wearing nice shoes again and not having to go out at 5 am to walk her in my pjs (seriously, would YOU dress up at 5 am? Like after a month of doing it?), I miss her companionship. That is the whole point of having a dog, no? But she is happier now, surrounded by loving parents and an ever-growing fan base. And I am free to traipse around on nights and weekends, not watch golf, and sleep in.

Anyhoooooooooo, much has happened since the last blog entry, and am feeling a bit morose at the moment, so… eh, until next time…

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