
Clean Sheets aka New Sheets

We've all done it. Purchased in lieu of doing laundry - underwear,
towels, a shirt. I got some sheets, not because mine were dirty,
rather they are missing from the move.

So I found myself at the fancy Italian sheet store by magic. I've
purchased Italian sheets - in Italy and they're nothing like those in
this store. There was a sale.

"These will do you well," said the lovely shop woman, "just make sure
you don't use regular laundry detergent." Erm, waaaaaait, is this a
trick question? Apparently, for supremely sublime sheets, wash in
special linen detergent, dry until damp and finish drying on the line.

So today, I washed them and the rest if my laundry in aforementioned
special linen detergent and took them out while still damp. Apparently
it takes more than 2 hours for king size sheets to dry completely - especially
when you don't have a line to dry them on (please tell me WHO has a line?).
Which is why I now lie in damp sheets. That and the rather humid
weather is making for a rather moister than usual sleeping experience.

Anyhoo, the more complex laundry is why I couldn't finish my momofuku
pork buns tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

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